An Asset Management Organization Focused on the Long Term1
The Power of Patience
We are a majority employee-owned investment management organization that specializes in equity and fixed income portfolio management for institutional and advisory clients worldwide. Our mission is to help our clients reach their long-term financial goals with active portfolio management using our research-driven investment framework.
1Preliminary. As of September 30, 2024, assets under management for each Aristotle affiliate were: Aristotle Capital Management, LLC $56.57 billion; Aristotle Credit Partners, LLC $0.47 billion; Aristotle Capital Boston, LLC $3.07 billion; Aristotle Atlantic Partners, LLC $2.85 billion; Aristotle Pacific Capital, LLC $29.38 billion and Aristotle Investment Services, LLC $0.76 billion. Total may not add up due to rounding. Each firm is an independent investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.